Swiss National Identification Number (AHV/AVS)

Validate and Generate a Swiss National Identification Number (AHV/AVS) Easily and Quickly

This is a Swiss National Identification Number (AHV/AVS) validation tool, you can enter the appropriate value to get the verification results, for the convenience of use, the tool provides a generator, you can use the generator to test the results.

✕ Invalid Swiss SSN

What is Swiss National Identification Number (AHV/AVS)?

On July 1, 2008 the old grey AHV card with an 11-digit number was replaced by a new standard credit card sized document containing 13 digits. The new number is generated randomly and is completely anonymous, thereby fulfilling current data protection requirements. Insured persons retain the same number throughout their lives and no longer need to replace it in the event of a name change due to marriage or divorce. If you still have an 11-digit AHV number, you can request for a new 13-digit AHV number through your employer who happens to be the one responsible for ordering the card.

SSN Generation and Validation

The SSN Generator is designed to developers in need of randomly generated data for testing cases. The SSN validation validates the numbers pattern for a given state area code. Therefore, if a SSN passes this tool validation, it doesn't mean that it really exists, only that it's code, for the given pattern, is possible. This is the same validation that guarantees the basic authentication, of generated ssn's, for forms under development, as they merely checks for a possible pattern. Generated SSN's aren't real, and shouldn't be used on attempt of any illegal activity.